First off just let me say that you cannot find better medical care then that from staff of The Ottawa Heart Institute. The appreciation the Reid family has for Dr. Ed O'Brien cannot be expressed enough. Dr. O'Brien saw me right away upon hearing about my latest heart episode. Usually an appointment would be made and you'd be lucky to see a cardiologist within 2 or three weeks (short of just going to emerg). Not only did he see me right away, but because he knew Pam was starting vacation the next day, he said to me " it must be Christmas...what are you doing 3:00 tomorrow afternoon?". He was not even scheduled for the O.R. but came in just to do yours truly. I checked in at 10:30 a.m. yesterday and was home again by 11p.m.. When I had my last stent put in back in 2004, I made him a cd as he loves to have the tunes on while doing procedures. The O.R. staff said they are still playing that disc every day. When I found out that I was going to be "fixed" the next day, I stayed up half the night doing up a new disc and knowing his sense of humour, I put together a cd that I thought he might get a kick out of. He did, as did the rest of the O.R. and Day Unit staff. So there it is. Five years and three angioplasties with stents. Life is good but oh so fragile. My quiet little daughter was very relieved to see Dad walk in the door last night. Big hug and not a word spoken (spoke volumes). Jon on the other hand was curious with a thousand questions.."is your heart as good as mine, Dad?".
Take care of yourselves one and all and never hesitate to see your doctor if things don't feel right. Poor Pammy has been though a lot with me but without her I'd be sitting in an urn in Newfoundland now (ahhhh!!!). Thanks for all your kind words and prayers (Mick).

wow news indeed! I hope your feeling young at heart again. you are a very lucky man.
take good care,
Hi Jen. Lucky? A little bit yes and a little bit no.
Thanks for popping in. Come by anytime. I'm usually more creative in the cooler months.
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