Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas To All...

So once again, we await the clatter of the big man on the roof and the squeals of the wee ones as they reap Santa's bounty. I trust you all had a dandy year. One with little strife and much joy. Maybe? Maybe not? It matters not as soon the New Year will offer a chance for both creation and redemption; temptation and salvation. As last year, I would like to acknowledge all the good people that have contributed to my life...both to the good and to ta udder. Everyone's life touches everyone and though I can't speak for the others on this list, you all have left a lasting impression on me. So, in no particular order.......

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to.....

Holly Au, Lorne Pike, Linda Pike, Johnny Crocker, Rose Fitzgerald, Dawn Davis, Wanda Hoyles, Wanda Hillyard, Sharon Martin, Kitty Cashin, Linda Smith, Camille, Gregg Davis, Ian Hutchinson, Pauline Hutchinson, Keith Abbott, Paul Baron, Dean Martin, Glen Philpott, Ian Grant, Jon Soper, Perry Mathews, Conrad Powell, Jim & Wanda Pond (Jeta and Candy), George Sheppard, Melvina Sheppard, Greg Rumbolt, Peter Alteen, Steve Warren, Dougie Alteen, Barry Sweetland, Don Dingwell, Shane Stark, Ranie Padayachee, Joanne Cantwell, Michelle Grant, Anne Marie Fitzgerald, Paul Mathews, Keith Mathews, Jon Soper, Norah Lee, Chris & Linda Soper and family, Anne Alteen and family, Trudy Campbell, Mary Barry, Bruce Smith, Roland MacDonald, Steve White, Ron Ferguson, Chris Hennessey, (the late)Jack Osmond, Jack’s family, Bill Hunt, Dan Murphy, Corinne McGillvery, Jean Smith, (the late)Fred Rabbits, Chuck Dyke, Don Ryan, Gary Oake, Wayne Oake, Brenda, Alf, Rudy, Kim Thistle, Craig Quinn, Donna Alteen, Donna Mullet, Lynn Barter, Barb Bursey, Teena Morrey, Tim Mayberry, Dick MacDonald, Dave Harnett, Charmaine Easton, Sharon Doody, Steve Poole, Jeff Easton, Janice Legge, Craig Smith and family, Terry Thompson, Judy Vincent, Stacy Vincent, Karen Stephen & Susan Vanderbrand, Janice Hardy, Lori Quinn, Des McGrath, Glenn Alteen, Danny O’Conner, the crowd from the Blomidon Counrty Club and the Corner Brook Curling Club, the boys from the Rideau Curling Club, the crew from Wood Gundy, my staff at H&R Block, the A.U. (Alternate Universe), old band mates from The Academy of Music, Jean Graham, Don, Steve, Martin and me Ma (of course), (the late) E.C. Reid (Pa), cousins, Aunts and Uncles, George Ellsworth, Mary Ellsworth, (the late) Lawrence Ellsworth and most all to Pam, Erica & Jonathan who make every day a happy one.

My apologies to anyone whom I may have inadvertently omitted. Trust me, you are here, but maybe you've gone for a pee.

Love to all,

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Gig Posters

Latest posters for the boys and their upcoming gig. Click on pics to enlarge.

Monday, December 04, 2006

From A Poor Photo Comes A Beautiful Portrait

Take a so-so photo and with a few choice clicks of the mouse, create a painting worthy of your subject.

(click on image to enlarge)

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dominion Ale

A reminder to all the folks back home in Newfoundland who enjoy me ol' grog.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Brand Names

It's a damn shame I was born when I was. If I were in my twenties now I would be doing print ads. Of all the tweaking I do, ads give me the most pleasure. Here are a couple of recent creations done for friends at Radio Paradise.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

He Done Me Good

Now normally, I'm the one doing the spoofing but this time, Radio Paradise character- at- large, Phineas (Greg Poole) has done me and done me good. Too funny Phin! I am honoured.

Sample of All Too Common Web 2.0 Logo

Seems to be all the rage these days......reflective logo complete with gradient text. Ah well...if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. ;- )

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Ooooooooo !

Some of the Radio Paradise ghouls.
(click pic to enlarge)

Monday, October 23, 2006

I Have A Dream

It seems every once in a while a man who works hard and struggles to provide a good life for his family will get his just rewards. Take my friend Latch, a marine biologist by trade who struggled through the bureaucracy of Fisheries and Oceans; tolerated the ineptness of a company who wanted nothing more than to rape the sea of all its treasures and then wound up in the smelly sardine business. He has had his dreams fulfilled this week by becoming the new Director Of Quality for Moosehead Breweries. Now one must know this man, a man proficient in the art of home brewing. There could be no job on earth better suited for this lad from Corner Brook and we salute you, Latch, and wish you all the best in your new job. Did I say job? I meant dream.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ode To The Mother-In-Law

Here I've combined a couple of photos to create a CD cover for the mother in law. Added some text to the building in honor of The Jones clan.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Halloween Beckons

It's that time of year when we get the Halloween decorations out of storage and do up the old homestead. (Actually, I'd like to thank JoAnne Tatone for this picture taken in North Rustico, P.E.I. this summer).

(from this)

(to this)

(or to this)

(click image to enlarge)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Landscaping 101

Here I've done a little carpentry and some landscaping to show what can be done prior to purchasing and planting trees and shrubs. Nice to see what it might look like. I've also done a few special effects to give it a more surreal appearance. You can see them better by clicking on the images.

From this
To this

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Since I started messing with images, I have always wanted to create ads for products. Not sure why. I think it comes from studying all those liquor ads in magazines. The warmth of the fire or the reflections in the ice cubes. Anyway, this is my foray into product ads. The highly renowned poet, Samiyam, models for this one.
(click on image to enlarge)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Avast! It's Talk Like A Pirate Day (9/19)

Just a few examples of pirate pix I've done for people and one of yours truly.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Danny & The Toronto Film Festival

My buddy, Dan Murphy has been enjoying his job during the Toronto Film Festival. Here is a little excerpt from his letter to me yesterday.

I'm workin' the film festival and Jennifer Lopez walked right passed me tonight, I could've reached out and touched her! She was beautiful in a white dress. Emma Thompson looked great, tanned and dressed to the nines. Other stars whom I've seen at our theatre, Michael Moore , Dustin Hoffman, Will Ferrel, Ron Perelman (TV series Beauty and The Beast) Forrest Whitaker, Tim Robbins, Rachel Weisz.

So to honor his meeeting with Emma, I present...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I Am The Walrus

Monday, September 11, 2006

Autumn Is In The Air

(click image to enlarge)

A picture I whipped up for my buddy Dan in Toronto.

The big birds are flying over the house every evening now. Fall is just around the corner.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Amazing Grace

And now for something completely different. Got an idea for something somewhat pious and this was the result.

(click image to enlarge)

Thursday, August 24, 2006


So we go to fair last night and the kids have a great time save for the slight mishap of losing Jon's friend, Abdu. Suffice it to say it was a tense half hour but being the bright kid that he is, he found a cop who took him to the Boy Scouts tent. Anywho, we all know the sights and smells of the fair but lately, meaning the last couple of years, I've noticed an increase in the amout of pot that is being smoked. This scent, combined with the sweet scent of cotton candy, is now a very interesting and pronounced addition to the the olfactory sense. I've created this pick in its' honor.

Textures and Lighting Effects

A sample of some special effects done solely for the purpose of experimentation. My apologies for not being able to credit the original photographer and model.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Real 70s Show

Saw Dazed and Confused again the other day and it brought back a lot a fond memories of the 70s. We all had a real good time getting up to no good and I'm pleased to say that we never lost a soul in the process. This room saw plenty in the ten years or so it was active. My only regret is that more pictures weren't taken. I now encourage my kids to keep a camera with them wherever they go so as to not miss any of life's priceless moments.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Salute To Ottawa Heart Institutes's Dr. Edward O'Brien

First off just let me say that you cannot find better medical care then that from staff of The Ottawa Heart Institute. The appreciation the Reid family has for Dr. Ed O'Brien cannot be expressed enough. Dr. O'Brien saw me right away upon hearing about my latest heart episode. Usually an appointment would be made and you'd be lucky to see a cardiologist within 2 or three weeks (short of just going to emerg). Not only did he see me right away, but because he knew Pam was starting vacation the next day, he said to me " it must be Christmas...what are you doing 3:00 tomorrow afternoon?". He was not even scheduled for the O.R. but came in just to do yours truly. I checked in at 10:30 a.m. yesterday and was home again by 11p.m.. When I had my last stent put in back in 2004, I made him a cd as he loves to have the tunes on while doing procedures. The O.R. staff said they are still playing that disc every day. When I found out that I was going to be "fixed" the next day, I stayed up half the night doing up a new disc and knowing his sense of humour, I put together a cd that I thought he might get a kick out of. He did, as did the rest of the O.R. and Day Unit staff. So there it is. Five years and three angioplasties with stents. Life is good but oh so fragile. My quiet little daughter was very relieved to see Dad walk in the door last night. Big hug and not a word spoken (spoke volumes). Jon on the other hand was curious with a thousand questions.."is your heart as good as mine, Dad?".

Take care of yourselves one and all and never hesitate to see your doctor if things don't feel right. Poor Pammy has been though a lot with me but without her I'd be sitting in an urn in Newfoundland now (ahhhh!!!). Thanks for all your kind words and prayers (Mick).


Monday, June 26, 2006

School's Out !

It's Monday of the last week of school for the kids. Each year Jon and I design CDs and covers for his teachers. Here are the final designs for 2006.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

West, Bruce & Laing

Found this on the web tonight. A real blast from my past. Good album but I loved and still love the album art. I have the album to this day complete with various stains of my youth.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Feel my pain. Try cutting out a bike and giving it a new background. Carpal Tunnel is the result. Oh, and Hutch, you owe me more than a beer for this one.

(as always, click image to enlarge)

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Time for the boys to get back to work. Here's a promo.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Drach of Night

Fellow RPer gets another treatment.

Want To Irritate Your Mother-In-Law?

Want your in-law on your case? Just spend the weekend shooting her from every angle and in various stages of dress. We have been very fortunate to be the recipient of her ability to bake the best loaf of bread in the world so to have a little fun, I did up this ad for Robin Hood Flour. To her chagrin it's on our desk top as well. Sorry Nan.