Thursday, August 24, 2006


So we go to fair last night and the kids have a great time save for the slight mishap of losing Jon's friend, Abdu. Suffice it to say it was a tense half hour but being the bright kid that he is, he found a cop who took him to the Boy Scouts tent. Anywho, we all know the sights and smells of the fair but lately, meaning the last couple of years, I've noticed an increase in the amout of pot that is being smoked. This scent, combined with the sweet scent of cotton candy, is now a very interesting and pronounced addition to the the olfactory sense. I've created this pick in its' honor.

Textures and Lighting Effects

A sample of some special effects done solely for the purpose of experimentation. My apologies for not being able to credit the original photographer and model.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Real 70s Show

Saw Dazed and Confused again the other day and it brought back a lot a fond memories of the 70s. We all had a real good time getting up to no good and I'm pleased to say that we never lost a soul in the process. This room saw plenty in the ten years or so it was active. My only regret is that more pictures weren't taken. I now encourage my kids to keep a camera with them wherever they go so as to not miss any of life's priceless moments.